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Saturday, May 14, 2005

An Eye On Change

I am patiently waiting to hear word on a lateral move I have requested at work. I say it is a lateral move solely in the sense that there will be no change in my pay status. More importantly, this move would signify a change in my day to day routine. As it is a new position is allows for a certain amount of personal and professional growth. A change in my job status would have a rejuvinating affect on me.

I have been working in my current role for five years and as a lead in this area for about a year and a half now. I have found the role of a lead to be rather frustrating at times and even physically and emotionally draining. I do feel that I have made some significant and positive changes for my peers. I also believe that I am the best canidate for the new role as I am eager to expand my value to my department, learn new skills and incorporate my knowledge to create a positive and effective position within the department.

The hiring process is a slow, plodding animal which requires patience. I know I am ready for the change just like I know I can be a positive selection for the role. I simply wait.


Blogger Cindy's Closet said...

I think it's wonderful that you are willing to change! Most people (do I dare say "At Our Age"?) have a really tough time accomodating or adjusting to change. Just one of those things in life. I admit that with each change I make, I grow. As will you! Good luck!

10:41 AM  

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