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Just Paul

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Location: MN

Sunday, April 17, 2005

A Day In The Water

Living in Minnesota, it's no surprise that I love to fish. What is a surprise is that I normally fish in streams. In the land of 10,000 lakes, I happen to live in the area of the state that has almost no natural lakes. Learning to wade the local streams and fish for bass was something I did out of necessity. Now I can't imagine not being able to step into the cool, running water on a hot and humid summer day. I've spent hours wading up or down stream alway curious what will I find around the next bend.

The first time in a favorite stream after a long winter and a spring run-off is alway exciting. It is very much like reconnecting with an old friend. There is a familiarity there from having shared past outings, but a river is alway moving. High waters can alter the river bed changing the contour and creating unseen hazards. High waters can also pick up old tree limbs and move them down stream creating a new hiding spot for the smallmouth bass to hunt from. Will the bass be in the same places I found them in past outings? Will they be bigger this year? Will I run into another fisherman that has discovered 'my spot'?

Fishing a new stream brings a different excitement. Now the whole experience is new though I've been wading for years. Each step is more cautious until I reach a spot where the water clears and I can see the bottom. Each eddy is a potential strike zone for my next bass. Each bend of the river holds the mystery of what lies ahead.

So many times I have gone fishing and been skunked, meaning I've caught nothing. But that day I may have seen a deer slowly crossing the river 50 yards ahead of me without a care in the world. I've watched a blue heron leap frog from one tree top to another as I've fished just below. I've watched a raccoon waddle down to the stream for a drink only to notice me, turn around and waddle back into the woods.

I really love stream fishing and some days I even get to catch a fish.

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Just Another Day In Paradise

It's been a busy week for me. Mostly work, but also spent two evenings attending track meets. Last Tuesday evening was especially cold. I have a ninth grade daughter who is participating in track for the first time this season. She was convinced by her volleyball coach that some of the footwork skills she gains in track will be beneficial for volleyball later.

To round out our week we had a pleasant visit by my in-laws who have recently returned from wintering down south. We enjoyed brat burgers, brats prepared in burger style vs the traditional hot dog shape. Very tasty indeed. We also looked at photos of the trip. It looks like they had a very busy and active few months away from the homestead.

This week-end I have the pleasure of spend two twelve hour shifts at work.This is an unusual occurance which I volunteered for, but I can't help feel a bit tired already. I think I'm already looking forward to next week-end, but wait that schedule is full already too.

It's a busy time of the year and I'm looking forward to it.

Friday, April 08, 2005

Music is the Breath of Life

I am a music fan. I took piano lessons for a year or so as a second grader because my mom made me. I eagerly enter the school band program where I played the mellophone (cousin of the french horn), trumpet and finally the baritone. I was never real good, but I enjoyed myself. Later in high school I became a member of the school choir where I had a great time.

By my real interest now is that of a fan. I never had the personal drive to excel with a music instrument, but I certainly learned enough to appreciate those people with the skills, talent and love of music. My taste is rather
eclectic. Jazz, bluegrass, big band are just the start of the list. Back in the days of vinyl I would head to my favorite record store/head shop on pay day and buy four or five albums without having heard them first.

When I was sharing an apartment with a friend in the service, we usually had most of the top 100 pop albums between the two of us. I also learned about many different artist when our taste in music converged. My wife and daughter really don't share my taste in music the the exception of the premier 'Nickel Creek' cd which is an awesome bluegrass group.

There isn't too much music I won't listen to, however I do avoid opera and top ten country music. I lived in what I refer to as a radio dead zone. The commercial radio stations of Southeastern Minnesota are about as bland as can be. They all work very hard not to confront or challenge each other for audience share. Most of the stations in the immediate area are currently owned by two media groups. Fresh air has finally been delivered via Minnesota Public Radio with it's new offering known as 'The Current'. You can check out the web page and stream this channel from anywhere in the world or if you're lucky you can pick it up on your radio. http://minnesota.publicradio.org/radio/services/thecurrent/

Maybe on another day we can discuss specific artists that I enjoy.

Getting to know Simply Paul

Ever wonder what you would do if a genie would materialize from an old bottle found in the attic of the dilapidated house next door? Now you have one wish that could change your life. I don't spend a lot of time on this question, but it pops up once every now and then while brushing my teeth or driving home from a long day at work. Some of the obvious answers would be to win the lottery. From that point you could be debt free, build your dream house, drive the best car or buy only the best clothing. Yesterday, I decided that when that genie appears before me I am going to wish to be a better reader. I enjoy reading. I usually choose detective or law mysteries, but also enjoy an occasional fantasy fiction or one of the popular novels. I'm just not a fast reader. I would love to be able to devour a book in a night or two. I would gladly give up my cable tv if I knew I could check out a book from the library and have it finished before its due date. With a book I can travel the world. I can live in the fast lane or attempt to understand the events of history. Don't get me wrong, I would love to fall into a pile of money, but maybe if I was a better reader I might just fall into the secret of making more money using the knowledge available to me through books. Even the internet is based on the skills of the reader. The web is the unending book. One page turn leads to yet another. Yes I do believe that the riches of the world are in books. I hope that I will be able to mine those riches for years to come.

Thursday, April 07, 2005


I have created this blog for a place to air random thoughts. Should you like to comment or just say hey, please feel free. All are welcome.

Simply Paul